Sunday, March 13, 2011

Michaela Wallace - Justin Bieber's Girlfriend (Official Music Video) - T... yea.


  1. aghhhhh!!!!these people who wanna be justine beavers girlfriend are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too over obsessed!!!!this is really bad. except the end was funny cuz the cardboard cutout fell down....

  2. yep, it was KINDA weirdish. don't you think?

  3. The music video was pretty strange, but I don't want to say anything offensive about Justin Beaver for Mr. Briggs' sake.

    One of my little sisters draws horribly, so Sydney(other sister) made fun of the other one's drawing and tried to draw her a frog, but messed up on the teeth and continued to make it crazier (all of the combos are frog + beaver + lion + snowflake + lollypop + flour + flowers + evergreen tree + spider + caterpiller + toilet + etc.)All this happened last night.

    P.S.S. or P.P.S.
    I got freaked out when I saw the car video.

  4. K.O. DUDE first the friday thing now this like this I'm like *holds up bread crumb* that far from music REHAB!!!! *curls up in ball muttering* "on candystripe legs the spiderman comes
    softly through the shadow of the evening sun" (the cure)just keep listening... *painful expresion*

  5. I wonder what Selena thinks of this. ;)
    And stop slamming my music, ok?
