Monday, November 21, 2011

Don't Bully Me


  1. I have been in the bullied kid's situation. It's not the easy road but a lot of the time the bullies end up in a much worse position than you like the video said.

  2. I have been bullied b4 and its really hard. Last year i joined a program called SAFE SCHOOL AMBASSADORS, its a workshop that you learn how to help students when they are in this position or what you can do. While i have been there i've learned a lot for example that some students bully other students because they have been bullied b4 and want to get back at someone or either they have seen violence at home b4 and want to express it through others.

  3. Thats my comment - Milly

  4. Most people think that if they get bullied, it's easy to stand up for yourself. It's not. Even if you are the most confident person in the world, bullying makes you want to stay silent.

  5. hello people i really learn a lot from the video,i learn that stand up for the bullies and keep your hands to your self.

  6. Heartfelt comments. Thanks for posting! Let's keep the conversation going :)

  7. i learned that we have to stand up from bullies from the video

  8. I've been bullied by gossipping and name-calling, it really hurts I think that when it gets bad you should stand up, even thogh it's hard like Autumn said you should still try because it will pay off and in the end you will turn out the better person(just like it shows in the vid)

  9. I don't know why it says Liza but it was Dia

  10. I think this was very educational. Last year my class learned about bystanders and allies, this video kind of helped me review. There is this short movie my class watched Bully Dance it has no sound. Because the director knew that everyone has different point of views, so if the movie was silent everyone could have their own opinion. I knew all this stuff already, but I was happy to watch it in a music video way.

  11. alot of people get bullied every day but when the bullied person says they are getting bullied, they are bulling to. like... pretend XXX was getting bullied then XXX tells the teacher that he is getting bullied but maybe XXX is bulling/ saying things about the bully too. ( that's what i saw before) well anyways i think that video said alot, like bulling never ends up in a good place. ( this is natalie )

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. one more thing i have to say is that i agreee with autum, people say they can totally stand uto bulling but mostof the time you are scared of what will happen to you if you fight back/ tell the teacher. that is why a lot of kids are quiet and don't tell the teacher what is happening online or at "recess" ( my opinion)
    this is natalie again somehow it turned into unknown
